ENKO Bacteriophage Suppositoria 35 Gramm (10 Pieces)

ENKO Bacteriophage Suppositoria 35 Gramm (10 pieces)

  • €85.00
ENKO BACTERIOPHAGE Suppository  35 Gramm (10 pieces)
          Permitted to buy without prescription.




ENCO bacteriophage is a mixture of sterile filtrates of phagolysates of the folowwing bacteria:

  • Shigella flexneri (1, 2, 3, 4, 6 serovans) and Sh. sonnei
  • Salmonella (typhimurium, enteritidis, heidelberg, newport, cholerae suis, oranienburg, Dublin, anatum)
  • Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • ENCO bacteriophage is a transparent white or yellowish liquid

Pharmacologic effect

Causes specific lysis of following bacteria species:

Shigella flexneri, shigella sonnei, Salmonella typhimurium, Salmonella enteritidis, Salomnella choleraesuis, Salomnella oranienburg, Salomnella Newport, Salomnella dublin, Salomnella anatum; enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus.


ENCO bacteriophage is used for treatment and prophylaxis of purulent-septic and  enteric infections caused by the above mentioned microorganisms.


Gastrointestinal infectious diseases: gastroentterocolitis, dysbacteriosis (bacterial overgrowth syndrome); cholecystitis, staphylococcal toxic infection; dysintery.



There are no contraindications ever observed for ENCO bacteriophage. The use of ENCO bacteriophage does not exclude concomitant use of antibiotic, or any other medicine.


Packaging and Store Conditions

The preparation is presented in  35 Gramm (10 pieces) 

Expiration - 6 month 

  Developed by: G.Eliava Institute of bacteriophage, Microbiology and virology.

  Suppositorias are traveling friendly, however once they arrive, we do recommend to store in the refrigerator, few hours before using.

  P.S as these products are very new, packaging is not fully functional and they have some printing issues! Please follow our instructions here! Thank you 

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