Combination Phages for Escherichia Coli (4 Box X  20 vials)

Combination Phages for Escherichia Coli (4 Box X 20 vials)

  • €330.00
  • €396.00

2 PYO - 2 SES

  Permitted to buy without prescription.

Are you looking for a right Phages for Escherichia Coli?

if you don’t know which one to try, Try Both!

Perfect Option to find your right bacteriophage now!

We are offering a combination for PYO and SES Bacteriophage’s to make it easy for you!

Two Box each!

In total 4 box X 20 Vials!


Special Precautions

Before use, ampoule must be shaken. The liquid must be clear, without sediment.

If the ampoule is damaged, or if the liquid is cloudy, the preparation should not be used.

The preparation should be used immediately after the ampoule or flask has been opened, Once opened it should not be saved for later use.


Side Effects

No side effects have been revealed during usage of PYO or SES bacteriophages


Packaging and Store Conditions

The preparation is presented in 5 ml ampoules

Storage temperature +2 - + 8 C

Expiration - 1 year



Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Silvia Thiem
Phagen bei ständiger Blasenentzündung

Seit drei Jahren immer wieder Antibiotika. Nichts hat mehr geholfen. Die ersten zwei Wochen ab Einnahme der Phagen habe ich keinerlei Besserung verspürt. Jetzt sind die Schmerzen plötzlich weg. Vielleicht könnten doch einige Phagen den Magen passieren. Lieferung war superschnell. Danke dafür. Ich hoffe der Effekt hält weiterhin an.

Jennifer Young
Just received the package this morning!

I have not used the packages, yet.

Kimberley Byington

not received order yet