SES Bacteriophage Suppositoria 35 Gramm (10 Pieces)

SES Bacteriophage Suppositoria 35 Gramm (10 pieces)

  • €89.00
SES BACTERIOPHAGE Suppositoria 35 Gramm (10 pieces)
 Permitted to buy without prescription.



SES bacteriophage is a sterile filtrate of phage lysates active to:

  • Staphylococcus (S. aureus, S.epidermidis) titter no less than 10ml.
  • Streptococcus (S.pyogenes, S. sanguis, S.salivarius, S. agalactiae) titter no less than 10 ml.
  • Different types of Escherichia coli titter no less than 10 ml 

Inactive Ingredients: Bacteriological growth medium, standard sodium saline, Chinazolin as a conservator.



Preparation is Ointmeng

Pharmacological specifications:

Pharmaco-therapeutical group:

Specific antibacterial solution.

Pharmacological actions:

SES bacteriophage leads to a specific lysis of bacteria belonging to Staphylococci, Streptococci, and Enteropathogenic E.coli of different serovars.


SES bacteriophage can be used in therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in pyo-inflammatory and enteric infections caused by the above mentioned microorganisms.


otolaryngological diseases, Otitus, tonsilliis, laryngitis, rhinitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy. Skin infections: furunculosis, carbunculosis, deep infiltration and abscessing sycosis. Surgical diseases: Abscess, wound infections, mastitis, osteomyelitis, phlegmon. Inflammation of oral cavity: stomatitis, gingivits, pyelonephritis, endometritis. Enteric infections: gastroenterocolitis, cholecystitis, staphylococcal toxic infection, dysbacterioses. Pyo- inflammatory disease in children (including newborns). Prevention of postoperative periods and hospital infection

Usage and dosage

Used for treatment of lesions locally (as tampon). and for injecting into the cavity (bladder, pleural and peritoneal cavity, nasal cavity, deep wounds, abscesses, uterus and vagina). The preparation is also recommended for using by enemas, and injecting through a tube and drainage. When applied locally, the treatment term does not exceed 3-8 days, 3 times a day. The amount of the preparation to be applied is defined according to the size of the affected area, it varies from 50 to 200ml. Phage therapy can start only after cleaning the wound or cavity of pus. In case of cystitis and pyelitis the phage can be applied by catheter. In case of cholecystitis 30 ml of phage is applied through the tube, once in 2 days. In case of conjunctivitis the phage is dropped in the eye 4-6 times a dat 2-3 drops. In newborns with pyoderma the phage is used with napkins, 2 times a day, Treatment lasts from 5 to 7 days. Before taking the phage per os taking 2-3% solution of baking soda is recommended.


Overdosing: During the usage of SES bacteriophage, overdosing symptoms have not been revealed.

Contradiction: Usage of SES bacteriophage does not have contradictions

Side effects: No side effects have been revealed during usage of SES bacteriophage

Usage together with other preparations: Ointment can be used in parallel or supplemental to other medications. Drinking alcohol during treatment with bacteriophages is not recommended,

Pregnancy and lactation: Preparation can be used during pregnancy and lactation period.


Developed by: G.Eliava Institute of bacteriophage, Microbiology and virology.

shelf Life 6 month 

  Suppositorias are traveling friendly, however once they arrive, we do recommend to store in the refrigerator, few hours before using.

P.S as these products are very new, packaging is not fully functional and they have some printing issues! Please follow our instructions here! Thank you  

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews

SES Bacteriophage Suppositoria 35 Gramm (10 pieces)

Victor Sulima

SES Bacteriophage Suppositoria 35 Gramm (10 pieces)

Lucy lucy
Great product!

Hi all. I'm ses bacteriaphage customer. I'd like to share my experience. 1.Keep the bacteriaphages inside door of refrigerator, don't freeze.2. Choose right bacteriaphage for you 3. I'm having 2 same bottle at 6am before breakfast. I'm having breakfast at 10 o'clock. 4. Put bacteriaphage suppositoria into ass before sleep during bedtime. Because enthropathogenic ecoli likes warmest place in the body. It is intestine. I think bacteriaphage treatment is very effective for enthropathogenic bacteria.
Combine the bacteriaphage bottle orally & bacteriaphage suppositoria is effective too.