Intesti Bacteriophage Suppositoria 35 Gramm (10 Pieces)

Intesti Bacteriophage Suppositoria 35 Gramm (10 pieces)

  • €89.00
Intesti BACTERIOPHAGE Suppository  35 gramm (10 pieces)
      Delivery time 2-3 weeks in any location 
Permitted to buy without prescription made by Eliava Institute 


Intestibacteriophage is a combined preparation. Intestibacteriophage is a mix of sterile filtrates of phage lysates active to:            

  • Shigella (flexneri Serotypes 1,2,3,4; sonnei; newcastle titter no less than 10s ml)
  • Salmonella (paratyphi A and paratyphi B; typhimurium; enteritidis; choleraesuis; oranienburg) titter no less than 10s ml-1.
  • Different types of E.coli, titter no less than 10s ml-1 (Escherichia coli)
  • Proteus (vulgaris, mirabilis); titter no less than 10s ml-1
  • Staphylococcus (S. aureus) titter no less than 10s ml-1
  • Pseudomonas Aeruginosa; titter no less than 10s ml-1
  • Enterococcus faecalis titter no less than 10s ml-1


Inactive ingredients: Bacteriological growth medium, standard sodium saline. Chinazolin as a conservator.


Preparation is transparent liquid, with yellow to light brown color.

Pharmacological specifications:

Pharmaco-therapeutical group

Specific antibacterial solution

Pharmacological actions:

Intestibacteriophage leads to specific lysis of following bacteria: Shigella flexneri (Sertypes, Shigella Sonnei, Shigella newcastle, Salmonella paratyphi A and B, Salomella typhimurium; Salmonella enteritidis; Salmonella oranienburg; Escherichia coli; Proteus (vulgaris, mirabilis); Staphylovovvus aureus; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Enterococcus faecalis.


Intestibacteriophage is used in the treatment and prophylaxis intestinal infectious diseases caused by enlisted microorganisms.


Dysentery;- Salmonellosis; - Dispepsia; - Infective colitis; - Enterocolitis; - Dysbacteriosis.



Usage together with other preparations:

 Preparation can be used in parallel or supplemental to other medications. Drinking alcohol during treatment with bacteriophages is not recommended.


During the usage of Intestibacteriophage, overdosing symptoms have not been revealed.


Usage of intestibacteriophage does not have contradictions

Side Effects

No side effects have been revealed during usage of intestibacteriophage

Specific categories of patients:

Pregnancy and lactation. preparation can be used during pregnancy and lactation period.

Usage in elderly people

Preparation is used in elderly people.

Effect on drivers and people working with potentially harmful machines

Usage of bacteriophages does not affect driver skills or skills of other equipment usage.


35 gramm (10 Pieces)

shelf life


shelf life 8 month

Preparation developed by G.Eliava institute of bacteriophage, Microbiology and Virology.


Suppositorias are traveling friendly, however once they arrive, we do recommend to store in the refrigerator, few hours before using.

P.S as these products are very new, packaging is not fully functional and they have some printing issues! Please follow our instructions here! Thank you  

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Christina Glass
Not recieved yet

Still have not gotten the order

Serhiy Chornous
Very good

You have saved me.

Sheryl Duke

I will be starting the Bacteriophage in two weeks

konstantinos bakis

I have taken so many antibiotics for prostate and the bacteris kept coming back. This solved the problem quite quickly. I did in total 4 treatments of avout 6 days each. The suppositories seemed better than the vialsfor me.

Sabine F.

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